
Youth Serving Dinner at the Topeka Rescue Mission on March 10

Join Us for Youth Fellowship

For youth 6th grade to 12th grade

Come be with friends!

(You do not have to be a GUMC church member to attend Youth Fellowship.)

Grantville Youth Fellowship-Next meeting Nov. 17

We will meet on the third Sunday of each month after church. We have lunch and then meet for some fellowship, fun and connections with Christ.  You don’t have to be a church member to attend. Some of the things we’ve done in the past are bowling, pizza, a concert, fundraising, service projects and Live Nativity. We would like to have you join us.  I ask that you let me know by the Friday before, if you are attending, so that we have a head count for lunch.  You are welcome to text or call me. (785) 691-6856 We hope to see you soon. Bring a friend!

 Nancy Gantz

Youth Leader

Grantville Youth Fellowship Activities

Youth attended Casting Crowns concert




The Grantville Youth Group Helps with the 2017 Bishop Round Up Against Hunger

In November, four members of the Youth Group participated in the 2017 Bishops Round Up Against Hunger.  The Youth Group went to Lawrence with Pastor Rick to help with the work of receiving and packing of donations from churches throughout the district.  They unloaded the food and other items, stacking them in the appropriate location and later distribution and packing.  They enjoyed a sunny but cold day joining with youth from other churches.

This year was the last collection for Bishop’s Round-up at the Fairgrounds in Lawrence.  The tradition has lasted for 40 years and seen truckloads of donated items.  These items were distributed throughout the state of Kansas.  Cash donations are distributed in Kansas, Haiti and Mexico.  The Grantville United Methodist Church has donated both boxes of items and cash to the event for many years.  This year, we sent 33 school kits, 20 health kits, six boxes of food, three boxes of bedding, one box of paper products, one box of HUGS (Hats, Underwear, Gloves and Socks) for children, three boxes of diapers, one box of toys and monetary donations.  The Church and GUMYF would like to thank everyone who made donations and helped make the event a success.



Watch the Youth as they participate in the Live Nativity for 2017

Youth Live Nativity

2020 Youth Group making Cheese Balls to raise money for Missions. They had a great time, the Cheese balls tasted good. And only one was miss placed, “according to the Pastor.?”

Members of the Youth Group enjoying activities together

Youths enjoying Bowling
Youth Group preparing the church for Halloween fun.


Youth Members went shopping for items to give the Rescue Mission for the benefit of others.

Very proud of our Young People.